Q&A with Jens Thomsen Yssing

Activation and POSM Field Manager Denmark

What’s your role in Retail24?
My position in Retail24, is Fields manager for Activation and POSM services. I make sure that our Danish customers gets the daily service, and help their need, regarding planning, execution and evaluation of various campaigns that involves In-store Activation and POSM. As flexibility is one of our main principles, I am often the first point of contact when our customers have some urgent needs.

What were you doing before Retail24?
Prior to Retail24, I worked as an account manager in Pan Vision that distributes videogames and electronics. Before that, I was team leader for 5 years in a company similar to Retail24.     

What does a typical workday look like for you?
Basically, assuring quality and efficiency in our ongoing activity related to Activation and POSM. There are no chronological order to my tasks. Since we also have a lot of teamwork across our services, my workdays seldom look alike. In short, evaluate and learn from recent activities. Execute and monitor the current ones and prepare for the next. And whenever possible, eat cake and drink coffee.

What attracted you to work at Retail24?
No. 1 reason must be my colleagues, since I knew a few of before I started. The second reason is the opportunity to work across the Nordics with everything from local groceries to big multinational companies. I have worked in various parts of retail for the last 15 years, but Retail24 gives me a great opportunity to challenge and evolve my competence.

If the story of Retail24 was made into a film, who would play you?
I’m not going for looks or age 🙂 So my choice would be Sam Neil. To me, he is a very credible actor. One’s credibility and trustworthiness is very important to me, which I believe he can reflect on the big screen, in the same way I hope I reflect upon my surroundings.

Do you have a motto for life?
I`m pretty fond of the Gandhi quote “The world has enough for everyone’s need, but not for everyone’s greed.” I’m reminded of this, when I think of the essential things in life. Business wise, it’s also sensible to stay grounded once in a while, even though you are often reaching for the stars on behalf of customers. 🙂

If you could try another profession for a day, what would it be?
After I finished high school, I studied Chemistry and Nanotechnology for 3,5 years at the HC Ørsteds institute at Copenhagen University. But after only  passing 2 years of ECTS points, I realized that science where properly more a hobby for me than a career path. But, I often wonder how it could have turned out, so my choice would be Scientist working with Nanotechnology and preferable optics and coating.

If you’re not working where can you usually be found?
At home spending time with my kids and fixing things on my endless “things to do around the house” list. When it’s time to relax, I enjoy playing PlayStation with my son, and I watch a lot of E-sports as well.

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